Нові публікації науковців НУ "Запорізька політехніка" на платформі SCOPUS (21 листопада 2022 року)


1.   Stavrovskaia, V.E., Efremenko, V.G., Zurnadzhy, V.I., Zotov, D.S., Sagirov, R.I., Chabak, Y.G., Brykov, M.N. (ScopusId: 36165224300), Efremenko, B.V.

Effect of chemical composition and normalization parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of microalloyed sheet steel for structural purposes

(2022) Advances in Materials Science Research, 55, pp. 97-151.



2.   Kotsur, M. (ScopusId: 57221031869), Yarymbash, D. (ScopusId: 56623115300), Bezverkhnia, Y. (ScopusId: 57202583228), Kotsur, I. (ScopusId: 57513768900).

An Accuracy Improving of Determining a Inductances of Three-Phase Busbar's Trolleys, Taking into Account Higher Current Harmonics

(2022) 2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology, KhPI Week 2022 - Conference Proceedings, .


DOI: 10.1109/KhPIWeek57572.2022.9916402


3.   Zinovkin, V. (ScopusId: 57202577935), Antonov, M. (ScopusId: 57202590272), Pyroshok, A. (ScopusId: 57956978700), Krysan, I. (ScopusId: 57224423183)

Influence of Sharp Load Fluctuations on Electromagnetic Processes in Electrical Equipment

(2022) 2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology, KhPI Week 2022 - Conference Proceedings, .


DOI: 10.1109/KhPIWeek57572.2022.9916410


4.   Kotsur, M. (ScopusId: 57221031869), Yarymbash, D. (ScopusId: 56623115300), Bezverkhnia, Y. (ScopusId: 57202583228), Kotsur, I. (ScopusId: 57513768900).

Improving the Efficiency of an Overhead Crane Feeding from a Trolley's Line under Conditions of Higher Current Harmonics

(2022) 2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology, KhPI Week 2022 - Conference Proceedings, .


DOI: 10.1109/KhPIWeek57572.2022.9916388


5.   Kotsur, M. (ScopusId: 57221031869), Yarymbash, D. (ScopusId: 56623115300), Bezverkhnia, Y. (ScopusId: 57202583228), Kotsur, I. (ScopusId: 57513768900).

Increasing the Accuracy of Determining the Resistance of Three-Phase Busbar's Trolleys

(2022) 2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology, KhPI Week 2022 - Conference Proceedings, .

DOI: 10.1109/KhPIWeek57572.2022.9916391




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