Нові публікації науковців НУ "Запорізька політехніка" на платформі SCOPUS (29 січня 2025 року)
Korotun, A.V. (Scopus Id: 14826879100)
More on the size effects on the
spectral figure of merit and enhancement of the local fields in the
neighborhood of biconical and bipyramidal metallic nanoparticles
(2025) Low Temperature Physics,
51 (1), pp. 133-142.
DOI: 10.1063/10.0034658
Quartile: Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) - Q3
Subject area: Physics and Astronomy
Maniuk, M.S. (58203192900), Korotun, A.V. (14826879100), Kurbatsky,
V.P. (9740947700)
Optical response of a chain of
oblate metal nanospheroids on a dielectric substrate
(2025) Low Temperature Physics,
51 (1), pp. 143-148.
DOI: 10.1063/10.0034659
Quartile: Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) - Q3
Subject area: Physics and Astronomy
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