Нові публікації науковців НУ "Запорізька політехніка" на платформі SCOPUS (30 січня 2025 року)

    1)   Kokareva, S. (Scopus Id: 57415013700), Kokarev, B. (58196050900), Putrov, S., Chernenko, A. (57225879819), Scherbiy, S. (59513659200)

Influence of a 10-week rational breathing training program on technical fitness indicators in girls aged 7–9 engaged in acrobatic track jumping

(2024) Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 24 (12), art. no. 308, pp. 2095-2106.

DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2024.12308

Quartile: Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - Q2

Subject area: Health Professions


2)   Maniuk, M.S. (58203192900), Korotun, A.V. (14826879100), Reva, V.I. (56941563100), Titov, I.M. (25936956900)

Plasmonic resonances in the chain of spheroidal metallic nanoparticles on the dielectric substrate [Плазмоннi резонанси в ланцюжку сфероїдальних металевих наночастинок на дiелектричнiй пiдкладцi]

(2024) Condensed Matter Physics, 27 (4), art. no. 43701, .

DOI: 10.5488/CMP.27.43701


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) - Q4   

Condensed Matter Physics - Q4

Subject area: Physics and Astronomy


3)   İlbak, İ., Ilic, T., Stojanović, S., Pavlović, R., Radulović, N., Gerdijan, N., Kylymnyk, I. (57208899798)

The Effects of Walking on Cardiovascular Health in Adults and the Elderly: A Systematic Review

(2024) Journal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases, 4 (8), pp. 174-178.

Quartile: Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Q4

Subject area: Medicine


Moroz, H.V. (59518957600), Kurbatsky, V.P. (9740947700), Korotun, A.V. (14826879100), Nagorna, N.M. (59518785200)

The Purcell Factor of a Dipole Molecule Located Near a Spherical Metal Nanoparticle [Фактор Парселла молекули-диполя, розташованої поблизу сферичної металевої наночастинки]

(2024) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 16 (6), art. no. 06032, pp. 1-6.

DOI: 10.21272/jnep.16(6).06032


Radiation - Q3 

General Materials Science - Q4        

Condensed Matter Physics - Q4

Subject area: Physics and Astronomy, Materials Science




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