Нові публікації науковців НУ "Запорізька політехніка" на платформі SCOPUS (серпень 2024 року) – статті, частина 1
Molochkov, D. (ScopusId: 58666044500), Kulykovskyi,
R. (58246666800)
Compensation of filler wire
deflection in robotic gas metal arc welding processes
(2024) Welding in the World, .
DOI: 10.1007/s40194-024-01810-9
(Quartile – Q1, Q2)
2) Lohvinenko, N., Shvets, V., Berest, G., Nosulenko, I.,
Voskoboinik, O. (53880598000), Severina, H., Okovytyy, S., Kovalenko, S.
Prospects for the use of sulfur-containing
pteridines in toxic liver damage
(2024) Regulatory Mechanisms in
Biosystems, 15 (2), pp. 374-381.
DOI: 10.15421/022453
(Quartile – Q4)
3) Narivskyi, O.E., Snizhnoi, G.V. (54406427800), Pulina,
T.V.(57221949506), Snizhnoi, V.L., Solidor, N.A.
Effect of Specific Magnetic
Susceptibility of AISI 304 and 08Kh18N10 Steels on Their Limiting Potentials in
Chloride-Containing Environments
(2024) Materials Science (Article in Press).
DOI: 10.1007/s11003-024-00824-4
(Quartile – Q3, Q4)
Karandas, Ya.V. (56695312200)
Plasmonic effects in rod-like
metal-dielectric nanoparticles.
(2024) Condensed Matter Physics, 27 (2), art. no. 23701,
DOI: 10.5488/CMP.27.23701
(Quartile – Q4)
5) Prokopenko, O., Koval, V., Yereshko, J., Kuzkin, O. (57189389684), Skibina, T.,
Travin, V.
Economic and Environmental
Limitations of Sustainable Energy Transition in Europe.
(2024) Problemy Ekorozwoju, 19
(2), pp. 66-80.
DOI: 10.35784/preko.5574
(Quartile – Q3)
6) Oliinyk, A. (55120940800), Alsayaydeh, J.A.J., Faizal Bin
Yusof, M., Shkarupylo, V., Artemchuk, V., Gazali Herawan, S.
Compliance Source Authentication
Technique for Person Adaptation Networks Utilizing Deep Learning-Based Patterns
(2024) IEEE Access, 12, pp.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3429332
(Quartile – Q1)
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